Getting Started

The Problem Soupy Aims to Solve

BeautifulSoup is a great library for searching through HTML and XML documents. However, the datatypes returned by BeautifulSoup methods can be inconsistent, especially with messily-structured files. For example, consider the following sensible query to find the first p tag inside the content div under an h2 tag:

dom.find('h2').find('div', 'content').find('p')

Depending on the document, each of these find calls may return a Tag, a unicode string, an integer (if the previous find returned a string instead of a Tag), None, or raise an AttributeError (if the previous find returned an integer or None instead of a Tag). Of these, only Tags can be safely chained together. In general, code like the line above risks generating exceptions. There are lots of other examples like this in BeautifulSoup.

In a nutshell, Soupy lets you safely chain queries together more gracefully, even when searches fail.

dom.find('h2').find('div', 'content').find('p').orelse('not found').val()

Let’s see how that works.

Comparison to BeautifulSoup

Soupy wraps BeautifulSoup objects inside special wrappers:

The most important object is Node. It behaves very similarly to a BeautifulSoup Tag, but its behavior is more predictable.

When BeautifulSoup is well-behaved, Soupy code is basically identical:

html = "<html>Hello<b>world</b></html>"
bs = BeautifulSoup(html)
soup = Soupy(html)

bs_val = bs.find('b').text
soup_val = soup.find('b').text.val()
assert bs_val == soup_val
bs_val = bs.find('b').parent
soup_val = soup.find('b').parent.val()
assert bs_val == soup_val

Notice that in these examples, the only difference is that you always call val() to pull data out of a Soupy wrapper when you are ready. This is the essential concept to learn when transitioning from BeautifulSoup to Soupy.

Things get more interesting when we look at corner cases (and the web is full of corner cases). For example, consider what happens when a search doesn’t match anything:

>>> bs.find('b').find('a')   # AttributeError
>>> soup.find('b').find('a')

BeautifulSoup returns None when a match fails, which makes it impossible to chain expressions together. Soupy returns a NullNode, which can be further chained without raising exceptions. However, since NullNode represents a failed match, trying to extract any data raises an error:

>>> soup.find('b').find('a').val()
Traceback (most recent call last):

Fortunately the Node.orelse() method can be used to specify a fallback value when a query doesn’t match:

>>> soup.find('b').find('a').orelse('Not Found').val()
'Not Found'

There are lots of little corner cases like this in BeautifulSoup – sometimes functions return strings instead of Tags, sometimes they return None, sometimes certain methods or attributes aren’t defined, etc.

Soupy’s API is more predictable, and better suited for searching through messily-formated documents. Here are the main properties and methods copied over from BeautifulSoup. All of these features perform the same conceptual task as their BeautifulSoup counterparts, but they always return the same wrapper class. The primary goal of Soupy’s design is to allow you to string together complex queries, without worrying about query failures at each step of the search.

  • Properties and Methods that return a Collection of Nodes

Functional API

The main benefit of Soupy’s wrappers is the ability to reliably chain them together. This also allows you to use general purpose libraries like itertools, functools, toolz, more_itertools, etc., to compose more complex data processing pipelines. For convenience, Soupy also priovides several such utilities to support more extensive method chaining.

Iterating over results with each, dump, dictzip

A common pattern in BeautifulSoup is to iterate over results from a call like find_all() using a list comprehension. For example, consider the query to extract all the movie titles on this IMDB page

import requests
url = ''
html = requests.get(url).text
bs = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
soup = Soupy(html, 'html.parser')

       for node in bs.find_all('td', 'title')])
[u'The Shawshank Redemption', u'The Dark Knight', u'Inception',...]

Soupy provides an additional syntax for this with the each() method:

>>> print(soup.find_all('td', 'title').each(
...       lambda node: node.find('a').text).val())
[u'The Shawshank Redemption',...]

Collection.each() applies a function to every node in a collection, and wraps the result into a new collection.

Because typing lambda all the time is cumbersome, Soupy also has a shorthand Q object to make this task easier. This same query can be written as

>>> print(soup.find_all('td', 'title').each(Q.find('a').text).val())
[u'The Shawshank Redemption',...]

Think of Q[stuff] as shorthand for lambda x: x[stuff].

The Collection.dump() method works similarly to each(), except that it extracts multiple values from each node, and packs them into a list of dictionaries. It’s a convenient way to extract a JSON blob out of a document.

For example,

print(soup.find_all('td', 'title').dump(
      year=Q.find('span', 'year_type').text[1:-1]
[{'name': u'The Shawshank Redemption', 'year': u'1994'}, ...]


You can also run dump on a node to extract a single dictionary.

If you want to set keys based on a list of values (instead of hardcoding them), you can use the Collection.dictzip() method.

keys = Soupy('<b>a</b><b>b</b><b>c</b>')
vals = Soupy('<b>1</b><b>2</b><b>3</b>')

keys = keys.find_all('b').each(Q.text)
vals = vals.find_all('b').each(Q.text)
print(vals.dictzip(keys).val() == {'a': '1', 'b': '2', 'c': '3'})

dictzip() is so-named because the output is equivalent to dict(zip((keys.val(), vals.val())))

Transforming values with map and apply

Notice in the IMDB example above that we extracted each “year” value as a string.

>>> y = soup.find('td', 'title').find('span', 'year_type').text[1:-1]
>>> y

We’d like to use integers instead. The map() and apply() methods let us transform the data inside a Soupy wrapper, and build a new wrapper out of the transformed value.

map() takes a function as input, applies that function to the wrapped data, and returns a new wrapper. So we can extract integer years via


map() can be applied to any wrapper:

  • applies the transformation to the data in the scalar
  • applies the transformation to the BeautifulSoup element
  • applies the transformation to the list of nodes (rarely used)

The apply() function is similar to map(), except that the input function is called on the wrapper itself, and not the data inside the wrapper (the output will be re-wrapped automatically if needed).

Note also that Q-expressions are not restricted to working with Soupy nodes – they can be used on any object. For example, to uppercase all movie titles:

>>> soup.find('td', 'title').find('a')

Filtering Collections with filter, takewhile, dropwhile

The filter(), takewhile(), and dropwhile() methods remove unwanted nodes from collections. They accept a function which is applied to each element in the collection, and converted to a boolean value. filter(func) removes items where func(item) is False. takewhile(func) removes items on and after the first False, and dropwhile(func) drops items until the first True return value.

>>> soup.find_all('td', 'title').each(Q.find('a').text).filter(Q.startswith('B')).val()
[u'Batman Begins', u'Braveheart', u'Back to the Future']

This query selects only movies whose titles begin with “B”.

You can also filter lists using slice syntax nodes[::3].

Combining most of these ideas, here’s a succinct JSON-summary of the IMDB movie list:

cast_split = Q.text != '\n    With: '

print(soup.find_all('td', 'title').dump(
      year=Q.find('span', 'year_type').text,
      genres=Q.find('span', 'genre').find_all('a').each(Q.text),
      cast=(Q.find('span', 'credit').contents.dropwhile(cast_split)[1::2].each(Q.text)),
      directors=(Q.find('span', 'credit').contents.takewhile(cast_split)[1::2].each(Q.text)),
      rating=('div.user_rating span.rating-rating span.value')[0],
[{'rating': 9.3,
  'genres': [u'Crime', u'Drama'],
  'name': u'The Shawshank Redemption',
  'cast': [u'Tim Robbins', u'Morgan Freeman', u'Bob Gunton']...

Enforcing Assertions with nonnull and require

Soupy prevents unmatched queries from raising errors until val is called. Usually that’s convenient, but sometimes you want to “fail loudly” in the event of unexpected input. There are a few methods to help with this.

nonnull() raises a NullValueError if called on a Null wrapper, and returns the unmodified wrapper otherwise. Thus, it can be used to require that part of a query has matched.

>>> s = Soupy('<p> No links here </p>')
>>> s.find('p').nonnull().find('a')['href'].orelse(None)
>>> s.find('b').nonnull().find('a')['href'].orelse(None)
Traceback (most recent call last):

Here we require that the first find matches against something, while providing a fallback in case the second find fails.

require() behaves like assert: it takes a function which is apply-ed to the wrapper, and raises an exception if the result isn’t Truthy.

>>> s = Scalar(3)
>>> s.require(Q > 2, 'Too small!')
>>> s.require(Q > 5, 'Too small!')
Traceback (most recent call last):
NullValueError: Too small!

Working with Q Expressions

Many of the previous examples have used the Q function-builder as a shorthand for lambda or manually defined functions. As mentioned above, Q[stuff] is rougly equivalent to lambda x: x[stuff], so it should feel natural to pick up. Here are some example Q expressions, and their lambda equivalents:

Q Expression lambda expression
Q + 3 lambda x: x + 3
Q.a lambda x: x.a
Q(5) lambda x: x(5)
Q.func(3) lambda x: x.func(3)
Q[key] lambda x: x['key'] > 3) lambda x: y: y > 3)

The third example introduces a slight twist with Q expressions. Because Q(5) builds a function like lambda x: x(5), we can’t directly call this function using the normal (arg) syntax – doing so would actually build a new function behaving like lambda x: x(5)(arg). You normally don’t need to manually evaulate Q expressions, but if you do you can use the eval_() method.

>>> x = Q.upper()[0:2]
>>> x('testing')  # No! Builds a new function
Q.upper()[slice(0, 2, None)]('testing')
>>> x.eval_('testing')  # Yes!

Debugging Q expressions

Despite your best efforts, you will still encounter messy documents that trigger errors in your code. Here’s a simplified example:

>>> html = ['<a href="/index"></a>'] * 100
>>> html[30] = '<a href="#"></a>'
>>> dom = Soupy(''.join(html))
>>> dom.find_all('a').each(Q['href'].split('/')[1])
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: list index out of range

    Encountered when evaluating Scalar(['#'])[1]

This code tries to extract the links in all a tags, but fails on links that don’t have a slash. Debugging issues like this can be frustrating, because these errors are often triggered by rare edge cases in the document that can be hard to track down.

If your errors are generated inside a Q expression (as is the case here), the Q.debug_ method will return data to isolate the failure.

>>> dbg = Q.debug_()
>>> dbg
QDebug(expr=Q['href'].split('/')[1], inner_expr=[1], val=Node(<a href="#"></a>), inner_val=Scalar([u'#']))
>>> dbg.expr
>>> dbg.inner_expr
>>> dbg.val
Node(<a href="#"></a>)
>>> dbg.inner_val

The attributes returned by debug_ are the full Q expression that triggered the error, the specific subexpression that triggered the error (in this case, the ['href'] part), the value that was passed to full_expr, and the value passsed to expr. So for example we can re-trigger the error via

>>> dbg.expr.eval_(dbg.val)
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: list index out of range

    Encountered when evaluating Scalar(['#'])[1]